Need monetary support to the mother alone, disabled

Hello! I really need monetary support! I am a mother of a disabled group 2, my daughter 6 months in hand, I am divorced. With her husband's child support is not requested as it is also disabled (schizophrenia), not working and not working, there is no where to ask for. I live with my daughter on a pension of 18,000 rubles per month + 3000 rubles child allowances.

That's not enough to live, if only to survive. And I still have to pay for an apartment, utilities, food themselves often want to buy and not the cheapest. In general, the tube is very forgive me help provide. Here's telephone number to contact if everything is confirmed. 89778570137 Olga. Here is the card number to be translated 4276 3801 1777 3742 sberbank.Volkova Olga.

We still have a cat which was presented to my husband, a glutton, so much money on it goes to toilet, buy food for future use large package. 5 diapers, "Hughes", diapers or panties will accept clothing for the girl from six months to a year, too, will accept food, curds and fruit, vegetable will take 6 months. Thank you very much for any help.

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