Cure and restore teeth

Hello good people. I'm not terribly comfortable and ask for help. Just I never asked for help ... ashamed. I really want to be happy, get married ... but there is a set of rotten teeth ... (excuse the frankness). It affects poor genetic background. Visiting free dental clinics have been unsuccessful.

After a short time the entire "cement" spits material, since it is not a quality. And to pay dental clinics do not have accumulated with our "Siberian" wages, and even if you are working middle managers. I'm working on the playground, and get 7500 rubles. 6500 rubles pay for a removable apartment, no husband. Prostitution is not doing. Not help anyone.

I have enough of 50,000 rubles, to bring the oral cavity in order. For me it is a lot of money. And it's a matter of life and death, happiness and joy. If you knew ... like a trifle for someone, and in fact discouraged and sometimes do not want to live.

Thank you for your attention, for your understanding and assistance. Even if there are no good people on earth thanks for listening. My card number 5469 2600 1626 1342 Tatiana P.

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