Please help to get out of microloans

Hello, my name is Lily, Russia. Really need the money to repay microloans. Can not get out of them. We want to take a loan and pay in one place constantly refused. I run up often scams, because they took extra thought microloans to help, but alas. She lost her job, left her husband's salary, almost all the money we return for loans, on products almost does not remain.

We have 3 children. Husband on a business trip, the older children have left. I was left with a five-year child. We went to the delay, call threatening to collectors. Said write statement to the police. We sit at home quietly, afraid that at any moment may come to threaten. On the street almost did not go. Force is no more. I want to live, to breathe. Nothing pleases, because no nerve health.

If you do not extinguish the debt, the court will be served, too, that scared. Good people ask you to help. We have been 300,000 thousand. Rubles. I do not know what to do, I'm afraid for the children. I know my fault, due to micro-loans, which head to think. Help. My KiviKoshelok +7 981 352 01 92 or My Card Savings Bank 4276 5100 1404 1757 Boikova LI.

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