Assistance for the rehabilitation of my husband

Hello! In 2013, December 19, my husband had an accident. I did not suffer much, but my husband received a serious head injury. Husband raise itself, on its own, because the hospital refused to us. But I do not lose heart and try in every way to help their loved one. I took loans, used to take him for treatment.

Here and now, in February, he took great credit for stem cell therapy, the treatment cost us dear with 200 million tr But now, after the cells need rehabilitation. He is much better. I found a good center in China, they agreed to take us to his rehabilitation, but need money, but I still have to pay the loan for 2 years.

I and so all the money and retire to give credit, thank God feed us with her husband and daughter to help as they can. For the rehabilitation of the road and need to TR 300000 I beg you to help me, but who can. Otherwise, all my work, and the cost will be in vain. If you want I can send documents. My mail, savings bank card number 639002189034118939 . I ask help for God's sake, is already so much effort and money spent, so you want to not avail. Everyone who responds accomplish your goal, to report on the costs.

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