Help close the debt

Hello. I beg help from anyone who can provide it, I should say - will return everything and everyone! The situation is this, once came over a lot of problems, and serious - and work, car repair, health .. He took loans from MFIs, partially repaid, then ran into a scam - lost money last. He changed his place of work, and to cut off loans - had to take the following.

Now the house as collateral, and passed over a large sum, I got a new job, but it takes time and I can not save the amount - all goes to interest, no repayment. I beg you, who can - the amount needed 700 000 rubles, which is close to everything, every day percentage rise dramatically.

I am ready to pay in one place, and all who will - quietly coin true. Ready for a receipt, a notarized contract any kind of documents - so you do not doubt my honesty. My phone number +79283332468, my card number 5469 3005 8837 6860.

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