Please, good people help me to not pay the mortgage

Nothing to pay for a mortgage can stay on the street with little daughter

Hello my name is Natalia I am 43 years. I am a single mother of daughter Masha 1 year and 5 months. Man my I left me, as it turned out he had a family and 5 children. And left me with a daughter and a mortgage, all on my left, that do not know, the mortgage delinquency went.

Please, good people help me to not pay the mortgage. I have no education, that's got to work as a cleaner, a very small salary. I have even a little daughter in the diet trim. So pull strap is very much afraid to be on the street and even with a child.

Masha calm girl. I periodically with neighbors leave, sometimes lead to the parent. Here is the phone number 8-915-552-13-05. This card number 2200-2408-7755- 0729. I have never asked for help, you will excuse me, I just realized that my world is falling apart and I was very scared.

What will become of us, me and my daughter? I would pay off the mortgage and do not let God not intermeddle in the credits, it is very scary. It's very scary when you have a child, and credit, and no ability to pay.

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