Please help in the repayment of loans and debts

Please help in the repayment of loans and borrowings of good people. I just did a stupid thing and ponabrali debts. Please help, I can not because of debt. Not enough money no matter what. I give all the money for debts. You can check my credit history and see for yourself that I'm not lying. If you have questions please call 89147626272, for all answer, and I am ready for anything. My card number 4276500050409364, if anyone can help I will be very grateful to you, please help.

Tight credit shackles

 2. We are a young married couple, Egor and Anastasia. We are working with horses. We worked honestly and conscientiously. We adore animals. We worked for the rich and hypocritical as it turned uncle. Stables in which we work, is in the museum, and even a number of houses for Orenda. Many other workers and supervisors.

When I became chief of the stables, and my husband, my assistant, we began to press on all sides. Mol mess, a lot of hints on financial fraud and other debris ... Keep only because of his players, which we love, and now, though no longer working there. It was very difficult to knock out the money on his own (chief) of animals. Koval, a doctor, paid vaccinations, etc.

Then I knocked on 30,000 miracle doctor for seven horses, with different procedures. After receiving the money in the accounts, I carry out the duties with peace of mind. After a while, after all procedures, it comes with a chef assistant and begins to reproach me that I spent a lot of money on horses. And put before the fact! To return the money by tomorrow.

And he starts to prove to me that he did not give me the approval of a doctor and spending such a sum. I'm in shock, trying to remember that there were witnesses and they heard everything. But the head was clear and I have decided that I will not bend. I said that then pile up their powers! So, we found ourselves without a job. Work for others, such as uncles and tetenek, already there is no strength and no desire there is no trust.

We decided to take up farming. Found the land, there is room. At the initial development, it was necessary to take yes yes ,,, His Majesty CREDIT! But, alas, have not calculated their potential ... It so happens that there is no one to help. It yourself. Enduring to the end, but the development of our business takes time. Our duty is 70,000 rubles. Just if you have the opportunity to help pay it off, we will be very grateful! Map of Russia Sberbank Visa 4276 4000 3426. 6347 We always try to help everyone who needs help. But now, we need help! The world is such a thing, who knows, maybe we'll meet again and then there is you may need our help.

 3. The Bank is in urgent need of money that simply is not threatened by the court and collectors. Where I only did not address other credit perekreditatsiyu everywhere failures borrow is simply no one. There is nothing that would sell or pledge of property is only one ring and the phone, which also took a loan and not yet paid in full.

When asked for the opportunity to pay in installments as previously denied. I "help" just in despair, has entered into Google and got on this site, and decided to look for support and help here.

Assistance in paying off debt

 4. I would like to ask for help in the repayment of the loan. My name is Vyacheslav Prokhorychev me 31god. I work at the plant "NITEL" 13 years as a mechanic equipment. I took out a loan in the mail bank tr 400 to buy a used / the car. Six months later, we learned that my grandfather found stomach cancer.

Due to bureaucracy, responsiveness, as well as the Hippocratic Oath and the efficiency of our doctors, my grandfather died. Since I work one had to take another loan from Sberbank in the amount of cards 40 million for the funeral and now I pay 12,500 for the car and 2,000 on a credit card.

In general, I live in the pores, even on clothing has no money, so I decided on this appeal. I basically do not ask for help, usually helping himself as the Old Believer and character traits such. Please help me with money in the amount of 350 million to repay kredita.№ Sberbank card: 4,276,842,029,210,279. If everything I can send a photo report and the phone number of the branch to confirm that I am not a crook.

Debt pit

5. Please help to get out of a debt hole. 241000 card debt is, I pay only the interest, and debt does not decrease. Earnings are not permanent. I am 39, a daughter was born a week ago and two more took for his. I would eventually gave the money. I do not drink and do not smoke, but my salary is not enough as the climbed on credit. Had a job, got fired, I got into an accident. Single, in the winter and has turned over in a ditch.

Thought there exists a stable job, employers are fed with promises. As time went on, the consumption and the treatment took finances. A stable job and have not found all the pennies collected. I cheated and where the builder, no rich relatives to help. Help if you can 4276180150716255. scams please do not bother, we know it passed the transfer fee, etc.

Тяжёлая жизненная ситуация.

Здравствуйте, меня зовут Елена, я попала в долговую яму, сначала брала кредиты на похороны близких мне людей, исправно платила, дальше новая беда сгорел дом (это было единственное жильё) чтобы хоть что то восстановить, взяла ещё кредит, дальше чтобы заплатить платеж по кредиту брала новый и все. Сейчас денег нет даже на продукты первой необходимости, понимаю, что сама виновата, но иногда другого выхода нет. Буду очень Вам благодарна за помощь, сбер. 4276 1600 2999 7971.

20.10.2018 05:31:03

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