The help

Hello everyone!!! My name is Sergey. I am not an expert to write, but I will try to reach out to you. First, I want to say this... : I am Russian, I live in Russia, and, unfortunately, I do not speak English well. Therefore, please understand and forgive me if I make mistakes in this, my, letter. I don't have a wife. I am single (a widower for a long time, and I don't have any other relatives), but, nevertheless, I have a large family! These are my cute kittens. Cats and kittens. Adults and still small.

White, grayish, red, black... Everything! My noses, paws, and tails. Their twenty-seven. They are not related to each other. I picked them all up on the street: someone injured, someone sick, someone saving from dogs... Someone hungry, someone freezing in the winter cold, someone thrown out by their former owners, and their home, once, has now become a stranger and inaccessible to them.

That's how we live, amicably and cheerfully. But... We have a serious problem right now: we really need some money for medical purposes as soon as possible (my pension and my salary are clearly not enough). I've never asked anyone anything, but here... Even, somehow, it is inconvenient! But I'm asking for a loan, not just for nothing. This is a request for help in the same way that, when in distress at sea, sailors send an SOS signal.

And I will be happy with any money, because I love my kittens very much! And, of course, I'll get it back as soon as I can. Just tell us where to return it and how it will be more convenient for you. I will, of course, agree to your terms. If you do not pass by and decide to help us, please write to me at my addresses: (main) and (optional).

Only, please specify the subject "KITTENS" (in capital letters. This is so that I do not confuse anything, all sorts of letters, you know, come to the mail on the Internet a lot and on different topics (most often not necessary). And yet ... .. Well... I don't know if it will be modest or not. But just in case, here is the number of my «Mir» plastic card: 2200770262284781 (for easy reading: 2200 7702 6228 4781). This is for Russian rubles.

If it doesn't suit you, tell me how to do it and I'll do it. And please tell your relatives, friends and acquaintances about it. If possible. Goodbye! Sergey Klimov. 

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