I request financial assistance

I request financial assistance

Good day. My name is Igor. For a number of objective and more subjective reasons, I was in a very difficult financial situation. Fully admit their mistakes in the past five years, and I ask monetary help to pay off debts and start fresh life on its own earned money.

I got into this situation because they do not be aware of the risks. It is very difficult right now. If someone will respond to my request, I will give thanks to the end of this person. And now I beg you who you can. Help me, please, good people. Map 5469 6000 2361 2039.

Help to realize the dream

 Good afternoon, all Dear people! My name is Alexander. I live in the Republic of Belarus. There is a wife and a small child. I ask everyone who can help to realize my dream. And the dream is to buy a very good car Volvo XC60 Ocean Race, this is in my opinion. I have been dreaming about this car for a long time. I like him very much, both in appearance and in all characteristics.

I believe that the Car should please and cause positive emotions. To sit in it and forget about all the problems. I work, but I don't earn as much as I wanted to. I worked at several jobs at the same time, wanted to quickly gather up the necessary amount, but health failed.

The wife does not work, as she is on maternity leave. Most of the money goes to the family. Unfortunately, to collect the necessary amount of their funds to buy this car is not possible. I will be glad of any help. Thank you all! If you have any questions, write to the mail askander3891@gmail.com.

I need your help

I am mired in debt, and I don’t see a way out without your help, without the help of good people in the world, and I really hope that there are still such people on earth.
My name is Inom, from Uzbekistan. For a number of objective and more subjective reasons, I was in a very difficult financial situation. Fully admit their mistakes in the past five years, and I ask monetary help to pay off debts and start fresh life on its own earned money.

I really need your help
I have only electronic wallets:
ADVCASH: mosmesi@gmail.com,
BTC: 1A8EyyEvsdLQaYEaXiuewYmm2SEYGBy7ZR
ETH: 0x5bd2a797e1bf5e8160f3f6b0dd823bbc6c977342

I need $ 20,000.
I got into this situation because they do not be aware of the risks. It is very difficult right now. If someone will respond to my request, I will give thanks to the end of this person. And now I beg you who you can. Help me, please, good people

Inom, from Uzbekistan 05.09.2019 13:33:40

Похожие просьбы

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