I want to help your city and country

Hello dear benefactors, I'm read to the end and take my request seriously. My name is Cyril and I'm a dreamer. In my childhood years can be gone in 3 father, then went another 2 stepfather. I grew up we can say on the street, coming home every day I saw my relatives becomes an inveterate drunkard brother, mother, sister, aunt, uncle. All were looking for an excuse to drink every day.

They ruined themselves, but I did not want to be so, I went to Tula to learn auto mechanics, but not to the learned, needed money. I got a job and was in the company of fans to drink, and that my fears are increasingly becoming a reality, I was at the bottom. I thought if you do not go into the army will lose everything ... Once in the army, I'm rethinking, cast and drinking and smoking.

I started running it myself for me was something unusual chur ... Coming from the Army helped me with the work. While working there, I watched the city and realized that drinking is not only my relatives, drink more than half the residents of the city ... Just as the year was how my mother died from cirrhosis of the liver, I was very worried.

I looked mortality statistics, and I was shocked ... I read such articles as the birth rate of the population in Tula 2 e is less than death ... Tula is a 3 cause of death ... Tula 20 years was reduced in 1/3 ... In fact, what we are doing in order to make life more vital? After strolling around Tula, shopping watching the price I realized one thing to drink vodka and jam dumplings cheaper than a salad of chicken breast ...

Type in a search engine "boozer, pub eatery" look how many results was highlighted (in Tula more than 100 dive on the floor), and enter the "healthy food, healthy food." In Tula, only 6 of cafes where the menu has dishes of a healthy diet! How do you like statistics? With pubs understood. Now let us see the power in general, that is, from the menu of useful power? Burgernaya that there except Diet Coke useful? Except that this stake more harmful than usual.

Pizzeria, shawarma, cheburechnaya all it is cheap and delicious. But harmful. I want to introduce the idea of ​​the city, with the hope that this idea become a reality other cities. And I need to start the sum of 600,000 rubles, and the other half I'm going to borrow. 1200000 me no one will give in the bank, and the state is no hope. Here is my card number 5484 6600 1012 5271. For earlier thank you very much. My phone number 89539673324. 410018595015598 the number of my donations account.

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