Help repay loans and pay for treatment for children

Hello. My name is Victoria, I am 32, I live in the Sakhalin region. I am a mother of two children over 7 years old, the youngest 3 years old. Junior is frequently ill, the garden is almost no walks. I work at home accountant. We live in a rented apartment, the money earned barely enough to pay for housing and utilities services on the lives of almost nothing remains.

I still hanging on one loan (took the necessary utensils) and two credit cards (took care of children and the training of senior school). Total loans and cards is about 200,000 rubles. While receiving benefits for children, yet somehow cope, and now does not know what to do and how to get out of this debt trap.

Sometimes just hands down, it seems that the black strip in a life will never end. Everyone can be in this situation. There is another problem - my children are in need of specialized treatment by a neurologist and an osteopath, treatment paid (about 10,000 per month for each child) long, to the same in another city.

I believe that there are good people in the world. Please help us, whatever they may be, will be glad to any sum. Savings Bank VISA card: 4276 5000 1788 8890, Yandex-purse: 41001653201440.

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