How to ask money from rich people. Reviews

How to ask the rich people's money. Reviews

Ask for money from rich people, and even permanently is not easy, but possible. It depends on what you want to ask: for expensive treatment, for the opening of the business, for the purchase of property or just a new iPhone. You have to be inventive, to tell their problems emotionally, in every detail, colorful, even trying to put pressure on the pity.
Communicate with millionaire best personally, face to face, in a quiet environment. After receiving the money, spend it on what the rich man and asked for a report - suddenly wants in the future to help again.

Ask for money through social networks

Eva: not so difficult for the moment to ask for financial assistance from the millionaire. Many politicians or businessmen, or just famous people have accounts in the social. networks. Many businessmen and famous people are pages in social networks, browsing personal comments and even respond to them. You need to write something personal that might catch, that you absolutely wanted to help. I personally conducted a simple experiment. Chosen elite expensive car on the street, went to the car owner with its own history. After listening to me, I really gave 1000 compensation.

The rich do not like to help

Rostislav: The rich do not just love to help. They will want to get something in return. We can talk about how no material benefits and tax benefits. This may be the honor and respect, in its environment, or society as a whole. PR company through the media. Reduction of the tax base through charitable foundations, etc. Thus, the most likely to get the money from the rich, you need to figure out what it is from this will have.

Jalil: The letter you are writing for a rich person should not be sick children or parents. The best - is the possession of a unique talent. You or your children. And ask for the money in this case it is better for education. But it is better to be prepared for the fact that you need to be at any time to provide proof of all this. That your child knows more than one language or higher mathematics.

How to get help from millionaires

Sergey: I think the question referring to "the rich Pinocchio" so the volume and options for seeking help so much that hardly possible in one post is to present. And whether it is necessary? Universal recipe exists. But keep in mind that the rich people are distrustful and stingy initially, without which they would not have become rich, respectively - it is important to break through this wall of mistrust, and it oh how difficult!

Simple begging is doomed to failure. First you need to examine the identity of the rich man, to learn about his preferences, fears, aspirations, hopes and plans. Having at least some idea of ​​this, start thinking about entering the circle of friends, and then display this fellow on his target. Only it should be done subtly, so that the object is not the idea that he was being manipulated.

Vic: Let's start with the fact that you must be interested in the millionaire to the matter for which you are looking for money was important and did not represent a waste of money. In my view, it is easier to make than to get some help from a millionaire, because they are in our time will not raskidyvatsya riches left and right, and to ask them for help is a complete, in my opinion, nonsense.

Place the information on the sites to ask for help

Zahar: In the Internet many specialized sites that offer information about the problem and ask for help. Once it is necessary to understand that millionaires do not sit around and wait for you to share money. Often, the scammers offer data, so especially do not look for large amounts, even if you are honest and really need help. Refer to a charitable foundation or on TV, but be prepared for a nationwide publicity to your problem.

Unusual ways of getting money from rich people

Christina: One way - is to adjust an accident or discreetly ask for help. Busy and rich people all the time on the move, constantly somewhere in a hurry and do not pay attention to people around. Enough to know: most visited places of the local rich man (no matter man or woman), the approximate schedule of the day. And then maybe play an accident or damage to the car, because of which travel to the place of "X" will be closed for a millionaire.

Kirill: The easiest and most effective way to make "on the street", known to me, ask for it. Yes, yes, ask. Just walk around the city and ask people to help you out with money. In fact it is begging, it used to be punishable, the moment! Earn really quite not bad and the method is not new. Known cases of people in such a way to earn travel, cars and houses. My personal record - 3,500 per day on the Arbat. But it all depends on you and your eloquence.

Need money to repair the car

Hello everyone, I really need money to repair the car, the engine broke down, need repair, money is not enough, all go to the family, the amount to get out of the pit need 125 000 rubles ($2,000).my phone number +79777224103 can be transferred to the card, kiwi or in person.thanks in advance

19.09.2018 17:14:25

I do not have a simple situation

Hello, I do not have a simple situation. I am a young mother, my child is 5 months old, I'm 19 years old. I want to ask for money, if only for a child, since a child at that age needs everything. Nutrition, clothing, etc. We live in a house with one room. With strangers. I ask for help, please, what will you do if life has rewarded you with money, and we simply have to sit and count pennies as mere beggars. There is no work, and where I am with the child, there are no parents. Relatives are far away, and who needs me with a child, all have their families. 5469090011280363.

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