I started taking out loans, credit cards, then got into micro loans

Distribute debts to people from whom I took, and close credit cards

There is not enough money, collectors started calling Good afternoon! Please excuse me for my letter, but the situation of hopelessness made me turn to everyone (very ashamed). My name is Yulia, I'm 36, I came to the capital in 2012, I live in a rented apartment, I work.

In 2020, I thought about my "corner", to buy an apartment in Moscow, it is very difficult and expensive alone, I came across an option for a building site in my native land In 2021 I bought a plot, poured the foundation, my money was not enough for the complete construction of the house, I turned to the bank and was refused.

I got into debt bondage in the MFO, now my salary is not enough to pay even%. I understand that I am to blame myself, but the realization of everything came much later. I just tried all the options- I don't have time to find a part-time job with my job.

I asked for a loan from the company I work for - they don't practice, friends don't have the opportunity. I'm not asking for gratuitous help, at least I need to pay off all my debts to MFOs, distribute debts to people I took from, and close credit cards so that I could slowly start moving on.

I can provide all the documents confirming the current situation, and report for every ruble spent. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, I will be very grateful and grateful for any help. 5469380086614996.

My last hope is here

I need your help. My wife and I and two small children live in 43 square meters, the apartment is mortgaged. We live in close quarters, well, okay, but we are a family, but here I fall under the reduction. While I was looking for a job, I had to pay a mortgage and live on something.

I started taking out loans, credit cards, then got into micro loans. So mired in debt. I got a job, I work for 300 hours, there is not enough money, collectors started calling, coming and threatening scandals began on this basis.

As a result, we divorced, I was left without a home, without a family, with debts. Help me, give me a chance to fix everything. The amount of debts for two million rubles. I'm not asking for the whole amount, as much as you can, I'll be grateful all my life. If you need a photo confirmation, I can send it. Card 4058703211010196. At least 110,000 rubles today to close one loan, the interest is growing big.

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