I beg your help. A matter of life

Hello! My name is Svetlana. Of course I am very ashamed to ask for help, but I'm not asking for alms, thank God did not starve, but it happened. My brother combatant was wounded, was blown up by mine.Oskolkami damaged both legs. His right leg had to be amputated to the thigh, the left - the doctors are trying to save, but need complex operations. For treatment and prosthesis must be $ 20,000.

My salary is $ 200 a month, and to collect the same amount I need for almost 10 years. No such money, and, unfortunately, it does not work for us. Please help me, I will pray for you and your family. I would be very grateful for any rendered pomosch.Spasibo high and low bow to you if you will respond. My e-mail address svetiksharova@mail.ru map to replenish 4149499101726287 Privatbank.

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