Save the life of a child -Terohina Constantine

Fundraising for surgery and rehabilitation for Terekhina Constantine (age 1.5 years). The diagnosis - stage 4 neuroblastoma. Relapse, the required amount for 4.700.000rubley collection. Details for fund-raising: Catherine Map (mom Bones) Alfa-Bank: 4154 8120 5960 4722, Yandex-money: 410014350111699.Telefon mom Bones: 8-906-870-1032 (Catherine).

Dear friends, this amount is needed for the beginning of January, let's take a real miracle for a little man! Yesterday, Catherine said that currently collected about 830,000 rubles. She sold her car and took a loan 350,000 rubles. (Unfortunately the bank is no longer approved) and about 200,000 rubles., Was built with the help of friends and relatives.

In the coming days the group will be created in the VC, where Catherine will be able to report Bones and report on the collected funds. Do not remain indifferent, help the world!

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