Those who ask for money for free

Tell me who to ask for money for free

  • Hello! I never thought I will return here. But as it happens. I'm on leave for child care, they have two. The fact that we live in a small town and very unpromising want my husband and the whole family to go to another city, more.

    But the problem of housing. We want to arrange a mortgage, but we do not give, because it still has outstanding loans. And finally our dream is still a dream. While we all put out will be a long time. My card 4276 1612 0250 9716. We will be glad of any help. Thank you in advance. And yet, people who believe in their dreams!

  • Hello everybody! People are lovely, I really ask for help! Bring up her daughter alone, this year it goes to the second grade, and we credit. After 4 days, already have to pay! I really need 40,000 rubles. I did not take one. It's very difficult for me! God knows, I did not cheat! Please, I beg and plead, help me, please, who can! I pray necessary for the health of all who will, as it is a great help! Sberbank my card number 5469 0500 1258 4056.

  • I will not cry and beg like I've been a lot of their problems, but still hope for your understanding! Chew everything is very long and many have accumulated a lot of debt had helped friends and acquaintances. When I started having problems all have gone missing, so please help financially to pay off debts much as you can. The amount of large write it does not see the point, the card number 5469 0500 1252 0167.

  • Hello, I need help, there are two small children, the husband is hiding from child support - does not help. No work on children can not live. Help raise the children on her feet. Thank you in advance. Map 4276180014322357. The debt will not stay.

  • Hello! I have a husband and a child is not an easy situation: yutimsya 7 people in kopeck piece. People kind help, such as the property is not, and the mortgage - bondage. We need a fee, and there is no fee, help financially.

Difficult situations, help please

  • Hello! Please help with the purchase of their homes. He worked in the north, lost health, lost his job, odd jobs. I want to start a family and children, and their homes there. Help me please. My Savings Bank 5336 6900 6448 5008.

  • Hello, I have a very difficult life situation, I would have never asked for help because I was ashamed to do it, but I had to. Here is my story in brief. My name is Maria, I'm pregnant, I give birth in October, I am now in the decree, a husband, but he retired due to illness receives only 8458 rubles. Live in the kitchen, there is one room without the corridor, just a small room in which there is a sofa, a table, a chair, a gas cooker and more and more do not fit in this room. Very little space, and the worst thing that freeze wall and covered with mold all things.

    When they learned that we had a baby, we have to think what to do and decided we left the house of her husband's father, he stood for 35 years. He built it, and then he died, and the house was left standing. The walls and roof are, we decided to make one large room - room, bought a board on the floor, bought the sand, covered by stone. We bought a brick on the stone, the bed floor, bought drywall guides. He hired a man to cut it (because they themselves do not know how, and no one will help free of charge). Man paid and all the money is gone, but still a lot of cases. Windows, ceiling, bought for radiators, pipes need to, all kinds of valves, heating fireplace. There is no money at all, do not give credit, to give birth soon. Every day I have a crazy, tears, very worried, do not know what to do.

  • Hello everyone who reads this message. I live with my mother and younger brother, she single mother, money is not enough, my mother works for a penny, education, it does not. I was sick for 3 years, the problem with his leg, had two operations, I graduated from high school, and I can not do anywhere, a small score of the certificate (it is now on the take). Help who than can, I will go even to the courses. To live on, I can not work, labor is prohibited. I ask Savings Bank card number 4276 3000 1973 6936.

  • Hello good people. I ask for your help, on their knees implore help, help who than can. I got into a debt trap that there is no more strength skrebstis. We have turned all relatives and friends of the debts. Describe all his terrible story will not have many of my destiny does not help, just help get back on my feet, I just want to zhit.moy number BEAC-4276671051850599. Thank you in advance.

  • Hello. The situation is not as complicated as that of many in need mired in mind micro-credits, myself work, I get 45. I give almost anything, but only blanked penalties and interest. Giving wages to have to take back something to live for those who get to give, and so live for three years. It left to pay about 150, but this amount is not reduced in mind the above circumstances. If you can than help will be very happy and grateful. Map Savings Bank 4276 3800 8674 7487.

Help urgently to pay off debts

  • Good afternoon! I work as a medical assistant in the emergency room. I help people not only at work but also in life. I never never refused. But now I need help. I got into a difficult credit situation. Urgently need to repay debt on loans. The total amount of approximately 800,000 rubles. Interest mad. When he took a loan, my financial situation was favorable, stable, but 2 years ago, it has changed for the worse. Prices are rising by leaps and bounds, and the salary is the same. Please, help! Yandex purse 41001219570108 or debit card Tinkoff Bank 5213 2400 1380 8930. All advance thank you!

  • Please help me with money, I have two small children, her husband a tyrant, to leave no place, we have to put up with his bullying. Give children a penny, and collect no where. Please help me to buy a small house, the card number Private Bank 4149497864914942. Who has the opportunity to help, please help, I will be very grateful.

  • Help much as you can, got into debt for micro loans, collectors began to get, and I have three children, I'm afraid for them. Almost no income, since the maternity leave sit, without her husband. Really need help. Yandex money 410014129015248. Map 5106 2110 1428 1450.

I need financial assistance

  • Hello. I am in need of financial assistance. Burned cars which brought the main income. Loans do not give alimony hang and stopped paying on official work. I climb up into the loans, afraid to imagine how it would end. Money is needed to buy cars to get going and get out of this bondage. Map Savings Bank 4276 3600 1245 4481.

  • Hello, please help us, I live, my mother of 76 years, two sons, 9-6. We need help, the house falls down, I do not work. The eldest son of the patient, the pension mom 8400. Please help to repair the house. 4276300026084049 card number.

  • Help much as you can. Really need the money! 423 07 810 7 59190029176. Please do not blame so much so all have difficult situations! Thank you in advance!

  • I request financial assistance to repay the overdue loan payments. I hit the credit bondage, one debt after another, and my and other people come to the department of bailiffs. The salary of all goes to the expense of debt, I have nothing to live with the child. I am a single mother, no one to help me, the parents I have. Take no for that, I turned to consulting companies everywhere need to make huge denzhischi, I even have a home there is nothing. The child must be collected in the college, to buy clothes, shoes and items for learning. No one to help me, the parents I have. I ask urgently help me please on the map Sberbank 639002529027512459.  

  • Need urgent help. I am a single mother, the child 1.3 years, were at a party with friends. The child dropped the TV, billed 30,000 rubles. Give just unreal, getting children in 1700 and 4800 get the tuition. I tried to take the credit in the Savings Bank and Alpha Bank, always a failure.

    In the micro finance is not even dream of, a very large percentage. Attempting to take Tinkoff Bank, there is a loan of 21 years, I'm only 18. For the first time has got in such a situation, ask for help do not have anyone from the family is the father retired 65 years, the pension is a pittance. Ashamed to ask if anyone can help I would be very grateful.

    Maybe someone will be able to lend the card Savings Bank 5469040017492116 Maria N. G. If someone does not believe, I can throw off pictures of the birth certificate and his passport, thanks in advance.

  • I was young when I was taken from a children's home. I do not remember his mother, but that's not important. A couple of years ago I drank heavily and my father beat me, my mother stood up for me, so she, too, flies, and then he went to work and drank, and took an ambulance.

    He had an operation, but he was no longer the despot. He could not go to work, do a simple robot, he was nervous, not for drinking, so it was exactly one year. But then he fell. And he was ill, he started to go blind in a couple of months, my mother spent all his savings on the trip, drugs, MRI, and so on.

    Then he took to his bed, lay and went to the toilet by themselves. So it was not long. It happens that I go, and he sits in the middle of the room, and looking somewhere. He shouted at her mother, she did not sleep at night, running around, I tried to help her, fed him, and sometimes skipped school to see if that call mom. She comes to him honey sister, injections and IVs.

    After a while I could hear him breathing heavily, and the next day the night he choked, and in the morning I was awakened by the fact that the ambulance arrived ... He died.

    We need financial injections, and urgently. It remains to collect only 50 thousand rubles. Banks denied. Debt has weight. Always helping themselves financially family, relatives, friends. And now we need. We are in a situation very simply, like many. We took a loan on time and did not give.

    The result turned out to be in the pit. Beat yourself up, but too late. Her husband is now working alone, I'm for health at home. The situation is very severe. Savings card 4276 4900 1618 7439. Thank you again for your understanding.

    My soul cry for help. I have a very difficult life situation. We were left alone with the child, we lost Dad, our only breadwinner. I was in the hospital with a nervous breakdown. Needs help with medicines, foods and loan. I can not work, very poor health.

    I very much beg to help whatever they can. Parents have not. No one to help us. I do not know what to do. I beg and pray to help, much as you can. It is very difficult. God save you. Catherine. 4276 4000 6933 5660 Savings Bank.

All of peace and goodness! I never thought I'd be in this situation. I do not ask me awkward in such moments. However, the situation has forced me to turn here. God knows, I have been making, and doing my best to solve my problem. Namely, I was left without a job, without a decent income. For a long time I can not find! I do not know where to pay the mortgage. And piling up debts of housing and communal services, etc.

There is also a small loan. I have a daughter that needs to be lifted to his feet. I divorced officially. We have to rely only on themselves. I have two higher educations. Always tried to raise their level of development. But I live in a small town where all vacant positions are occupied, including and nepotism is also very well developed in our country. Herself as a man, honest, reliable.

I can confirm the position of my situation, if necessary. Please help! Of course, financial assistance would be greatly saved. But me and really want to have a decent job and earn their own. Received offers from other cities, but if you count the income minus the rental of apartments, accommodation and credit, it turns out again that it is not enough even for life.

Not that the exit from the current situation. I'm just exhausted. Tired. I do not sit around - are now found a bride price, but it is small money. Quite small. For his part, I promise you and the universe, which always help the person who needs a particular care.

I have always helped with what I could. And the work has helped. And now she was in a very difficult situation. If you can help with the work - very grateful. If you can help financially - embarrassing me, but also I will be grateful and will pray for you. In advance thank you all. My phone 79,138,892,268. My card Savings Bank 63900 2649000 142353.

I ask your help, maybe not calculated on your own. Our family of many children, recently purchased a property in the mortgage, do not big renovation, but it turned out that her husband had lost his job for six months and we have got into debt. I ask to respond not indifferent people at my request. VTB Map 5278 8300 7179 9674

I took the money in a micro-loan

At the beginning of 2018 it took 40 t., Was hoping for a family, but alas ... everyone has their own problems. I had to take the money in the micro-loans, and then began. In general, at the moment the debt in a micro-loan of 200,000 rubles. If it is possible to provide financial assistance to lend, not to grow interest and with you I will definitely pay off. Tel. +7-913-231-95-73.

Реально нуждаюсь в деньгах

Срочно прошу помочь поскольку нужда заела. 5213243845053014 Тинькофф банк. Ситуация очень тяжелая, поэтому необходима денежная поддержка. Конечно безвозмездная. Крик беспомощного существа, без крыши над головой. Не оставьте в беде красивую девушку готовую на все.

Жанна Борода 20.02.2018 11:05:58

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